Principle 2.  Support should be co-ordinated across all services

Summary of Principle 2

There should be a co-ordinated approach to transitions in each local authority

During transitions, young people with additional support needs may come into contact with many practitioners from health, education, welfare, housing, social care and other services. Effective co-ordination of transition planning and support at a local level is therefore critical, particularly for those with learning disabilities or multiple and complex needs. Co-ordinated approaches can be delivered in a number of ways. The most frequently used strategic approaches are transitions co-ordinators or local transitions forums or networks.

Learning and development opportunities should include an understanding of all aspects of transitions

Everyone connected with supporting transitions should have access to innovative and aspirational learning as part of their initial training and continuing professional development. In order to help co-ordinate support across all services, this training should include an overview of the broad legislative and policy framework that impacts on transitions.

Transitions should be evaluated

Evaluation helps to ensure that professional duties are being met, areas of best practice and unmet need are being captured, young people’s outcomes are being achieved and informs on-going improvement.

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