Proposals to upcoming transitions event – Expression Where it Counts – 2018

ARC Scotland’s – Scottish Transitions Forum and partners are looking for proposals for an upcoming event early 2018. This is to coincide with the year of the young person that runs throughout 2018.

The event will focus on transitions from the point of view of young people (between the ages of 14 – 25) with additional support needs .

We are seeking proposals to help organise the day and they must have young people and/or those who care for them at the heart of the activity with support from the agencies that work alonsgide them.

At the previous Expression Where it Counts Conference young people did a range of things – drama, presentations, interviews, films and photography and helping out on the day.

You can see an example from last year on the below YouTube link:

The key themes for Expression Where it Counts, 2018 will be:

  • Effective planning (Person centred planning, positive differences it makes, challenges of inclusion in planning etc.)
  • Coordinated support (the difference effective support can make)
  • The right support I need (right communication, eligibility etc.)
  • The right information at the right time (including advocacy and the difference it can make)
  • The impact of transitions on Families and Carers (positive and negative)
  • Accountability: taking charge of transition (Local Processes, strategy, operational and other co produced activities etc.)

Though we have proposed themes, we are open to any idea or suggestion and will try to accommodate as many as possible. Activities can be of any length but we would suggest keeping them to 30min if possible.


You can download  The Information pdf to pass around your contacts here:


You can download the proposal form here :

Expression where it Counts proposal – form   


Once complete can you please send them to [email protected] or my if you have any questions please phone my office on 0131 663 4444

We look forward to hearing from you and reading your ideas!