Principles into Practice is a practical framework to improve the experiences of young people with additional needs aged 14-25, and their parents and carers, as they make the transition to young adult life. It is based on the seven Principles of Good Transitions and will help to embed these in policy, planning and practice across Scotland.

For more information on Principles into Practice and learning from the trials visit the website at
Emma Roddick, Minister for Equalities, Migration and Refugees speaking at the national launch of Principles into Practice and Compass on June 16th 2023.
Want to know how people feel about ARC and our work? Click here to take a look at our videos from the launch!

Compass is a web-based application designed to help young people with additional support needs in Scotland to make a smooth transition to young adulthood.
There are three versions of Compass – one for young people, one for parents and carers, and one for professionals and practitioners supporting families.
The tool has been designed to provide tailored information and support for young people and their families at the right time for them and gathers feedback to help shape transitions services and policy in their local authority areas.
Anyone in Scotland can use Compass free of charge, whether your local authority area is using Principles into Practice or not. To sign up to the right version for you, go to:
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