Principles into Practice (COVID-19) online event 9/6/2020

On 9th June 2020 we held our first Scottish Transitions Forum online event which aimed to enable lead partners from Social Work, Health, Skills Development Scotland, Schools and Colleges to effectively coordinate transition planning and support for young people who require additional support who are due to leave school or college this summer using the adapted COVID-19 adapted version of ‘Principles into Practice.’

During the event we explored key tasks and considerations around how to:

  • Coordinate an approach to transitions throughout the period of the pandemic
  • Ensure there are plans in place for all young people who are at a critical point in transition
  • Provide information to young people and families.

The event included input from the Divergent Influencers (our group of young leaders), local authority representatives, Education Scotland and Skills Development Scotland.  We also shared information generated through our recent survey of parents and carers experiences.

Click here is view the recording of the event.

*Please note we had some experienced some difficulties with sound during the event which are reflected in the recording.

We will be holding future online events – for information on our upcoming events please join the Scottish Transitions Forum.