Throughout lockdown, the Divergent Influencers have been regularly sharing their experiences through podcasts, hangouts and art work. They wanted to capture this experience through other ways to express themselves and settled on a zine format.
They have been working with Glasgow based Artist Peter McKenna and one of the Divergent Influencers ( Laura Glennie). Peter and Laura curated their collection of ideas and thoughts into what we affectionately call their “Quaranzine” the quarantine zine.
The Quaranzine is a collection of thoughts, images, writing, screen caps and other medium. The young people chose to express their experience of lockdown through this medium as its their everyday experience.
We hope this zine will encourage you to explore how lockdown has impacted young people with additional support needs.
We hope the Quaranzine will inform museums, libraries, researchers, professionals and other young people and their parents about the experience of young people of lockdown. To help support this we are sending out hard copies to these different people and institutions.
Quaranzine 2020
It’s be There is a download link below.