Two upcoming events regarding harmful sexual behaviour and young people with additional support needs

We have two interconnected events planned for early 2019 on the subject of harmful sexual behaviour and young people with additional support needs, and exploring inclusive strategies for prevention and early intervention. These are being organised in partnership between the SOLD Network, the Centre for Youth and Criminal Justice, and the Scottish Transitions Forum.


Staying Safe: Exploring The Needs Of Young People With Additional Support Needs Who Experience Or Present With Harmful Sexual Behaviour And Their Families.

Monday 4th February 2019, Norton Park Conference Centre, Edinburgh
For further information or to book a place click here.


Prevention, Intervention & Inclusion: Harmful Sexual Behaviour And Young People With Additional Support Needs.

Wednesday 3rd April 2019, Insight Institute, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
For further information or to book a place click here.


There is a lot of good work being done to intervene effectively with young people who exhibit signs of Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB). However, this work is largely focused on the general population. It is important therefore to ensure that young people with young people with learning disabilities; autism; speech, language and communication needs; and/or other additional support needs are not unfairly disadvantaged or excluded, and that they have equal opportunity to benefit from early intervention.